

The three-letter puzzle game Thirdle is entertaining. The Wordle version that is easiest to use is this one.
Since there are only three chances to locate the solution, the game's 3x3 board is referred to as Thirdle, which calls for more extreme care in all choices.

Tips and Tricks:

  • To view a letter in the solution, click "Hint." From there, it's simple to locate clues.
  • The hue indicates how accurately the word is stated. Black is the incorrect letter.
  • The color red suggests that you should reposition that letter.
  • The color blue denotes how accurate the word is.

The Stats Table allows you to monitor your score:

  • The first accurate response receives 100 points.
  • You receive 75 points if your second guess was accurate.
  • 50 points for the third accurate guess.
  • Deducting 25 points for using "Hint"
  • You forfeit 25 points if you make fail.

Category and Tags

thirdle unblockedthirty wordlethirdle githubthirdle unlimited

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